
Szukaj nieruchomości


Personal data is user identification information and includes a name, as well as a personal identification number, address, email address or other personal or business identification data.

FC FINANCE-CONSULT ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA does not collect personal data from its users, unless they are provided through our contact form on our website. The provided personal data FC FINANCE-CONSULT ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA  will only be used for communication with users.

FC FINANCE-CONSULT ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA employees are required to protect the confidentiality of data and not to disclose confidential information. The information that users provide on the site is determined by themselves.

The data provided is protected against loss, destruction, manipulation, unauthorized access or unauthorized disclosure.

This Privacy Statement refers only to the FC FINANCE-CONSULT ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA site. When referring to other sites, the privacy statement of each site that collects personal information should be sought.